Miyerkules, Marso 8, 2017

The history of our Barrio

              In the early days of 1990, there exist more or less 50 small houses in th northern most outskirts of the poblacion of the town of Laoag being occupied or rather lived by fifty families closely related to each other cause of the so calles Parental Marriage Vows which was so famous at that time. Parents of these families were the ones to select the Groom and the Bride of their sons and daughters. This Parental Marriage habits created close relations of the residents of Bario Buena Vista.
              Barangay #12 now Barangay San Isidro is not like other barangays in Laoag which are elongated in feature so muchbso because this barrio of ous is located in the northern most outskirt of Poblacion or town proper of Laoag City. Its boundaries are the following; from the south and west in the Bengngan Creek. At the east is the General Segundo Avenue. At the north is a creek being crossed by a concrete bridge called Rangaty Tupek. This bridge is called Rangtay Tupek because in the early days of Katipunero, there was a priest being hacked to death on that particular bridge. These are five streets that bisect this barangay. These five streets facilitate the movements of vehicle and motor bringing students to school and residents to the market. We have Magat Salamat in the north, Herbosa Street, Apolinario Castro Avenue, Mc Kinley Street, and Valentine Lagasca Street.

Welcome Arc of Barangay 12

Road to Barangay Hall
Barangay Hall